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SFSF - Schools For a Sustainable Future
Joseph Natoli, SFSF Project Director, surrounded by happy, enthusiastic children
Monash City Council
February 2000

City Council


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Oakleigh South Primary School
Home for 'Schools For a Sustainable Future '


In 1999 I was delighted to accept an invitation from Oakleigh Sth PS to establish the base for Schools for a Sustainable Future.

Schools For a Sustainable Future stand
at the Oakleigh South P.S Annual Fete Day

Oakleigh Sth is a dynamic Primary School. They were one of the early schools I worked with as part of the RRRC./Monash Council/CERES Worming into the Community projects (that was a mouthful) in 1996.


Then, as now, Julie Kearney was teaching Grade 4 and was the lynch pin in promoting quality environmental programs in the school.

Over the years I have watched as Julie and OakleighSth have consistently kept environmental activities as part of the schools focus. These included

  • Establishing a commitment to recycling paper, plastic 6 pack rings, cans, corks and organic waste through aworm farm
  • Initiating 2 week waste audits in 1996 and again in 1999 to highlight the amount of waste the school produced and establish the role of the school worm farm which recycles the schools food scraps.
  • Developing community surveys of home composting. As part of their class work children surveyed the community to see what local families were like at recycling. From this survey students then started…
  • Promoting the use of worms in the community. After the surveys students were active in taking their knowledge and enthusiasm home and setting up worm farms and compost bins.

When Oakleigh Sth moves to its new site the gardening group will be back in full swing helping to establish indigenous gardens and more extensive environmental features.

We are also looking forward to a joint project with Genesis Automation and business supporters highlighting the practical ways schools can be leaders in sustainable practices.

Joseph Natoli - SFSF


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Schools For a Sustainable Future

1 Curdies St.
E. Bentleigh Vic. 3165
Joe Natoli
Ph: (03) 9579-7224     Fax: (03) 9579-6153      Mobile: 0411-568-523


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